
Feto iha Otel Flamboyan

Women at the Flamboyan Hotel (Perempuan di Hotel Flamboyan)

When Indonesia occupied East Timor from 1975 to 1999, many East Timorese women experiencing violence. The Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation (CAVR) reported more than 800 cases of violence against women occurred during the occupation.

Maria Fatima, became one of the thousand victims of violence. Since 1978 he was detained and tortured by Indonesian soldiers in Flamboyan Hotel. This film is the story of Maria Fatima today, which are still suffered violations while Timor-Leste has been independent for more than decade.

Konten Terkait

Dalam Perjalanan – Senja di Merauke


Menemukan Kembali Indonesia


Guru Anggota Gerwani – NTT


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